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Alas, N471YBL is no more

Posted: Wed Jul 29, 2009 8:51 pm
by Peter.N.
As I type it lies embedded in a bus shelter on the A35 near Axminster. My wife was on her way back from Trago Mills about 50 miles away and about 3 miles from home she inexplicably hit an island, demolished the keep left sign, the light and one way sign, the veered across into the bus shelter.

She had our daughter in law and the two grandchildren in the car with her, fortunatly no one was seriously injured, but I expect she will be sore tommorrow.

The AA wouldn't recover it, but as its off the road (in the bus shelter) the police said it would be OK for the night, fortunatly the central locking still works, so my friendly local man is going to recover it tommorrow and bring whats left of it back here. The o/s front is completely demolished, no sign of the wheel or the inner ond outer wing, windscreen broken. Still, I wont have to change the oil now, and I also have 3/4 set of spares. I found the suspension and ABS ECUs, both bent and battered, about 50 yards away. There is also a full 47kg gas cylinder in the back which had buried itself in the rear inner wing!

If you saw the state of the car, its amazing that no one was seriously injured and a credit to the cars strength.


Re: Alas, N471YBL is no more

Posted: Wed Jul 29, 2009 9:11 pm
by mouseflakes
Crikey Peter! I'm pleased to hear it was only the car that suffered any serious injury. Best wishes to them all and hope your wife recovers quickly from the shock of it all.

Re: Alas, N471YBL is no more

Posted: Wed Jul 29, 2009 9:14 pm
by jonathan_dyane
Good God, really pleased to hear everyone got out ok, most certainly a testament to the strength and safety of the XM.

Re: Alas, N471YBL is no more

Posted: Wed Jul 29, 2009 9:16 pm
by citroenxm
Blimey Peter!!

Thats not good! Soory to hear the bad news but SOOOOOO glad to hear that all people are fine! A nasty scare however! I hope Mrs N and the younger all recover the shock ok!

Best wishes Peter!


Re: Alas, N471YBL is no more

Posted: Wed Jul 29, 2009 9:23 pm
by colinxm
So sorry to hear that Peter... Glad to hear that all your family are ok.

Very best wishes, Colin.P

Re: Alas, N471YBL is no more

Posted: Wed Jul 29, 2009 9:54 pm
by onthecut
Can't add to what's already been said; never a nice experience. Main thing is that everyone is OK. Hope you all get over the shock asap.

All the best, Mike.

Re: Alas, N471YBL is no more

Posted: Wed Jul 29, 2009 9:59 pm
by Ciaran
Jesus Peter!

Am sure it’s been a shock for you, not to mention your wife and the kids... Just thankfully no one was seriously injured, or worse, it sounds like quite a severe accident :(
Hope everyone makes a quick recovery.

Was that your green one? Commiserations on your loss.


Re: Alas, N471YBL is no more

Posted: Wed Jul 29, 2009 10:05 pm
by kenhall
Hi Peter

A bit of a shocker, but look on the bright side - no one seriously hurt and you now have an excuse to look for a replacement XM!

Best wishes to all


Re: Alas, N471YBL is no more

Posted: Wed Jul 29, 2009 10:28 pm
by terry g
:o, sorry to hear about the accident hope the family recover quickly, could have been a lot worse if they had been in a modern eco car

Re: Alas, N471YBL is no more

Posted: Wed Jul 29, 2009 10:46 pm
by xmexclusive
Hi Peter

Very sorry to see your post about the accident.
So pleased no one was seriously hurt.
