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Re: R267PGF 2.0TCT - MOT Pass!

Posted: Mon Jun 30, 2014 11:37 am
by beko1987
I knew she would pass easily enough hence why I chucked her in for one, nothing kills the value of a car more than no tax OR test! At least tax is just an annoying trip to the post office, MOT requires going into the unknown with a new car!

Had some interest but no firm offers. Tax expires today :(

Re: R267PGF 2.0TCT - MOT Pass!

Posted: Mon Jun 30, 2014 4:09 pm
by CitroJim
beko1987 wrote:nothing kills the value of a car more than no tax OR test!
That's very true Sam, especially no MoT...

If a car comes with no MoT it makes you wonder what the seller is covering up, especially when they say an MoT should be no problem. I ask if it's not a problem then why didn't they...

Re: R267PGF 2.0TCT - MOT Pass!

Posted: Tue Jul 15, 2014 2:25 pm
by beko1987
I awoke the XM from its slumber on Saturday to pull it onto the road and give it a good vacuum out now it's sold! Having spent 3 weeks sat on high, she fired up first kick of the starter, and after a brief moment settled down to normal height. I went for a quick waft up the road and back and my god the ride seems better than when I drove it daily (possibly not helped by the hard 265k old suspension in the ZX!)

Left her in normal now and she's sunk down already, but it has been hot. Will hopefully get time to give her a wash before she's collected too, she's very dusty!

Re: R267PGF 2.0TCT - MOT Pass!

Posted: Tue Jul 15, 2014 3:52 pm
by captainhaddock
What you really need, is a XM break Diesel :) Just in case some unforeseen problem should arise with the otherwise unbreakable ZX :)