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New feature: Club-XM RSS Feed

Posted: Mon Aug 30, 2010 12:14 pm
by Ciaran
Hi guys,

I've created an RSS feed for the forum. Those of you familiar with RSS feeds and readers will know what this means.

To those who aren't, I'll explain in detail later when I get time, but in brief, this allows you to have new posts and data from the forum appear directly and automatically on your desktop, or in an RSS reader program, such as Microsoft Outlook, without having to login and check the site manually.
These RSS readers are commonly used to stream news headlines etc, but they can be used to display any kind of data, hence it being possible to use it for stuff that comes from the forum.

An example of how this works in the builtin desktop reader that comes with Windows Vista and 7, is below:
To subscribe to the forum RSS feed, simply goto:

and click the little 'Subscribe to this feed' link:
This will then cause the feed to appear in your chosen RSS reader, and hence, on your desktop.
I still need to do a fair bit of work to tweak this, and make it easier to subscribe to (am thinking a clickable Image on each forum / thread to subscribe to it etc :)), and also better manage the data that its spweing out, as at the moment its just outputting everything :)

Hope this is useful to someone, I'll elaborate a lot more and tidy it up later :)
